【フィオーレ志摩 / Fiore Shima】
This resort hotel is located 28 km from the Ise West Interchange on the Ise Expressway and 4 km from Kintetsu Ukata Station by car. The entrance of the front building, decorated with flowers and herbs, has a refreshing atmosphere. Shima Spanish Village is about 7 km away by car.
This casual log house has a maisonette with two bedrooms on the second floor and a kitchen, bathroom, dining and living room on the first floor. All rooms are equipped with air conditioning, TV, cat-foot tub and refrigerator.
Web: https://www.rio-hotels.co.jp/shima/
【松岡里果の三重まるみえ!/ Exploring Deep Mie with Rika!】
Our navigator, Rika Matsuoka, will visit all 29 towns in Mie and report its cultures, foods, traditions, etc. She wants to tell everything about Mie and would like people around the world to visit Mie post Covid-19.
Blog: http://mie-marumie.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/rika_miemarumie
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mie_marumie…
【松岡里果 / Rika Matsuoka】
2000年(19歳)、音楽活動の知識やCDのリリース経験などもない中、個人で奈良県の大和郡山城ホールで300人キャパの単独コンサートを開催すると言う、今考えれば無謀としか言えない事を行ってから、おかげ様で気付けば音楽活動も2020年で18年。 現在は東京を拠点に活動中。
A singer-song-writer from Ise City, Mie.
Date of Birth: April, 15th
Rika had a big concert in a 300 capacity hall when she was 19 even though she didn’t have much experiences as a musician.
She has been a musician for 18 years since then.
She basically shows her performance around Tokyo now.
Web: http://matsuokarika.pupu.jp/
Blog: https://ameblo.jp/matsuokarika/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Pigumo415